Basic Pointers
1. A rule of thumb when giving a massage is to start with strokes going in the direction of the heart. These strokes should be firm and then the pressure should let up on the return stroke.
2. Depending on the goals of the massage you are giving, the intensity of the strokes is going to be very different. The goal of some people is to relax, while others need massage to simulate or loosen muscles. Some are also given to stimulate blood flow.
3. The person receiving the massage should not feel like there is a herky, jerky type of routine going on. They should feel the strokes as one rhythmic, fluid series.
The best massage position is one that uses your entire body. Many people think they have to rely strictly on their arms and shoulders to do the work. You want to use the movement of your entire body to get behind the strokes and do your best work.
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